Monday, February 14, 2011

No matter what

So today while talking with Di... Ok... Diving with Di... the greatest realization and reminder I encountered in her words was that all things are and should be recognized in our lives as sacred... We should not live a divided life where part of our day and our actions are secular and the others are sacred. All things we do should be considered sacred. We should walk through even the most tedious, mundane or seemingly trivial parts of our days, duties and relationships with a sense of intention and purpose to glorify God in ALL possible manners!

It put work in a different light for me before I got there and reminded me to pray that my work day would not feel or be lived out as if it were secular but rather in the knowledge that it is sacred!

It transformed my night! Transformed it! And every moment was an opportunity to pour out love on those that forgot that God is their Valentine... Their one and only True Love! :)

Happy Valentines y'all!

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