Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I realized, just right now, that I move around a lot. Just this summer I have been in various parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Colorado and Oregon. And I am so blessed! Blessed by the freedom I have been given to just roam and serve wherever I am lead. Some people spend their whole lives in one place... tens of thousands of days surrounded by the same trees, breathing the same air, driving the same roads. It isn't a bad thing. I think if somebody is able to do it, it's kinda cool. That person gets to see something change and progress and adapt over a lifetime. I think, though, that I am glad to see the changes in myself and visit the different places I have seen along the way if I need to know how they are doing. When I was talking to my friend Jo yesterday I told her I was sure I'd get to come home and see her again sometime and we would have fun. It was a heart-slip of course. Colorado has never been my "home". But I was there with somebody I love and when I went, Jesus was with me there, and so it WAS home. And when I went to alabama to love on kids and fellowship with the wonderful manyamas, it was home. And when I went to Housten and served with the AMAZING Fully Alive group, it was home. And when I was back with my parents in a house I did not grow up in... a house at the coast of Oregon, that I had never seen before in my life, it was home. and when i was with my sister in her new duplex in Portland, it was home. And when I flew back to Mississippi and I was surrounded by the people I have loved and been loved by for the last year in Bay St. Louis... I WAS BACK HOME. I feel home here... right now... where i am. I am sitting in a lounge full of strangers, Morgan intent on picture-surfing next to me, with a bottem bunk in a huge classroom turned dorm in Lake Charles, Louisianna. Go figure... that cliche makes sense! My home IS where my heart is! And even though its in the midst of some renovation while my old junk is getting moved out and Jesus is moving HIS personal things in, I can enjoy the peace of being at home ALL THE TIME. The peace you get when you are able to rest in the comfort of home. When stress or anxiety or sorrow come knocking I can find the safety and comfort that I need at home with my Jesus... in me. We can let in whoever we want. And keep out all the others. Though they might pitch tents and war outside, there is One that lives in my heart that is greater than myself and His name is Jesus Christ... and i'm making sure that He is in charge of the door to our home!
May I never try to take over that responsibility again!
haha :D


di said...

hluqWELCOME HOME>>>>Home is where your heart is and where your belongs to a person JESUS....love you

Ascheb said...

That is awesome sis! Im glad you can make home anywhere, because as I noticed when you were here you are always happy and always the same person no matter where you are! Its really beautiful... I love you so much, but miss you like CRAZY! Sigh...