Sunday, October 5, 2008

To Answer Your Question...

My sister is reading Captivating... a book that I recommend to EVERY woman, if you have not read it! She is also blogging her experience, which I think is so cool! Wish I'da done that! But in one of her blogs she asks, "Does God pursue me?" Well, to answer your question...

God pursues you!!! He pursues you in a romantic way even! Ever walk out the door and see the sun setting, wrapped in pink, blanketing the whole city where you live and just know its for you? :D Thats God! Ever get a book and flip through its pages and your eyes stop on a beautiful passage that penetrates right to your soul? GOD! Ever get a whoosh of peace, unlike anything you've ever felt, that comes in like a breeze, unexpected and unexplainable...? ummmmm... GOD! He has really personal things for us too. I remember being in Jo's trailer once... she wasn't there and I was just standing there and I had read captivating that morning and I was praying that God would just show me His love. "Just SPEAK TO ME!" (I was a little emotional) BOOOOOOOOOOOM! The LOUDEST bang of thunder I have EVER heard and a ridiculously bright flash followed by the power going out... I laughed so hard I cried. The lighting had struck the breaker box on the pole tucked between two trailers (what are the odds?) and left me on my knees in the dark, laughing with Jesus. NOW THATS ROMANTIC BABY! I went outside and just stood. God, after speaking so loudly, had begun to orchestrate one of the most beautiful rainstorms I had seen since He named me Raindrop. Then I was so happy I danced with Him in all the puddles and got COMPLETELY soaked! Oh, wow. It was one of the greatest days of my life! I act like a woman being constantly pursued too... i mean... i fall more in love with Jesus every day. And He always has some new and amazing way to tell me how much He loves me and show me how much He cares for me. HE'S SO AWESOME!

1 comment:

Ascheb said...

Ashley God speaks through you. Do you know that... You make me wanna fall more in love with Jesus too. Its so true... all those God Bumps moments, those are God persuing me! He is a romantic too. Just the other day I was sitting in the car at the coast with Dave. The sun was setting it was so gorgeous already and then I looked to the right, and there was this rock, all covered in fog. Nowhere else what there this thick wrapping fog and i remember feeling so warm and cozy at that moment that I layed back and almost fell asleep!

I love you Ashley thanks for being a vessel!