Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 2: The Joy of Friends

Today is my 25th birthday! And though it has had its snags it was such a blessed and wonderful day. It started with a very loving and beautifully intended act. Morgan got up before the sun to go and buy Heather and I balloons to go with a plethora of gifts and silly string she already had to kick off a morning birthday bash. Then I was totally blessed to have over 15 messages from friends and loved ones on facebook and in my e-mail. The phone calls were steady all day from family and friends. Words of love and friendship and kindness. Di gave us both a wonderful gift. Elaine bought us a pineapple that served as a perfectly adequate and incredibly DELICIOUS birthday cake. The entire day was showered with wonderful words, gifts, blessing and prayers from all of the amazing people that God has BLESSED my life with. New and old. I just realized how many incredible people God has placed in my life. I was just washed with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe for all of the love and care and kindness and joy that God has gifted me. I remain utterly amazed.


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