Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another year... passed. Ash Wednesday is here again... a whole new Wind blowing in my life. When I look back my head spins with the revelations, the growth, the joys and the plain fun of this past year. I have made wonderful friends; I have found new depth in my old friendships; I have acquired incredible, unbelievably loving family; I have found Jesus in places, at depths and in ways I never IMAGINED! If all the blessed instruction and wisdom I have been passed and fed were really food, I'd weigh 900 pounds! Probably 9 thousand! Much of it I'm still chewing. Some of it has radically changed my life forever and ever. Some of it has brought me everlasting hope. Some of it has opened my eyes to pain and suffering I never knew I needed to pray for. Some of it has train wrecked me. Some of it has built me back up. All of it has taught me about the Most Important LIVING, MOVING PERSON IN MY LIFE: Jesus. His truth, His beauty, His LOVE. Jesus IS all of these things. And He has given me a purpose and an identity in Him of which we are only beginning to unlock the glorious surprises and mysteries.

My Lenten fast:
I will GIVE God my time in writing... EVERY DAY! I will spend as long in front of the computer, my diary, a notebook or whatever avenue He chooses for as long as He wants me to.

As Father Sebastian said in mass tonight: God, give us the GRACE (not strength... isn't that interesting?) it will take to stay faithful during this Lenten season.


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