Thursday, February 25, 2010


The fast has changed slightly... this week I am to bless someone unexpectedly that God chooses in the way that He chooses. At first I thought, "Yes!! Got this"... then I remembered, I have nothing to bless from. I do not have an abundance of resources, money or anything else at this time in my life. What will I give? And I am in a community of mostly strangers. Who will I bless?

So... whatever I am to offer to another, has to first come from God so that I may give it! Whoever I am to bless through the provision and love of God, He must first put in my path.

How does redemption bring blessing, Father? Show me fully!! Teach me. Help me to trust you completely this week!

I love you... I'm ready.

Week 2, REDEMPTION brings BLESSING, begins!

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