Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 10 - A song for you

Today my Lenten blessing offering was really really late! It wasn't until well after dark, while Heather and I were still driving to Seattle that God told me what it was. I was praying while I sat looking out the passenger window... what do you wanna do today? Go find someone to give something down-town Seattle?? Is it Morgan?? What's on Your heart?

As we were coming into Seattle God told me He wanted to show somebody His intense love for them... somebody that I also know and love... and that He wanted me to give them something very personal and different from the other blessings.

He wanted something given out of what He had already provided in me. He wanted me to sing them a song. A song that the Holy Spirit had given me the words and the tune for a couple years ago...

He had provided the words... He gave me a voice to sing, no matter what it sounds like it can sing and so it should!! He used somebody very amazing to bless me with a guitar, that I just happened to remember to bring... with my tuner!!! Even though it took a while locating! And He even gave me a phone that records more than 30 seconds of sound... actually up to 10 minutes! Which I have never seen on a phone... ever!

I am realizing more and more, how much God provides us with that can be used by Him to bless His beloved. If we are willing to be used... we don't have to have abundance either... He will provide as we go! If we are willing to enjoy His incredible, unmatchable ability to be creative and use ALL things!

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