Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 13 - Drive by Blessing

Today was hysterical. Heather and I went into Lincoln City and decided to try Gallucci's Pizza. They had this lunch special on 8" personal pan pizzas so we both got one. Both of us had 2 pieces and were stuffed. When we put our pizza away we had an entire pizza and two left over pieces from the second one. We decided we would try to find someone to give our pizza to but went to Starbucks for some coffee first.

When we got to the order station we could already tell who was working by his thick Southern accent. He is an Oregon Coast transplant from Texas. A nice guy that has a never ending stream of niceties issuing from his mouth. Heather calls him an insatiable flirt. We don't know if that is true or if that kind of talk is just hard wired into him from his upbringing, but whichever it is we always have a good time talking to him.

When we rolled up to the window and got our drinks I heard God telling me to give him the pizza. Really? But... "Heather, ask him if he likes pizza."

She looked at me a little funny but finally leaned out the door (our brother's driver side window doesn't roll down so we have to use the door) and asked him if he liked Gallucci's pizza. "Yeah!" He said. "I've heard its a great place to eat."

"Well," Heather said, we have a pizza left over and were wondering if you would like it. If you can take stuff through the window, I mean."

I leaned across the car, "Do you have a break or something soon? You would have something to eat instead of having to go somewhere, or eating nothing!"

"Wow!" He said, "You know, I get off in just a couple of minutes and I can take this home and eat it. Thank you so much."

Heather handed him the pizza, and he said, "Well thanks, sweetheart."

I was in the middle of saying, "God bless," and leaning over to talk with him a little longer but Heather was obviously done. She said, "Bless you," slammed the door in the middle of his response and we were off!

"He was just about to lean out the window and tell us what he thought about God!" I was laughing hysterically.

"If he called me sweetheart one more time I don't know what I was gonna do!!!" And she started laughing.

"Well," I choked out, "I guess today really was a 'drive-by blessing'!"

I pray that the Texan Barista at the Lincoln City Starbucks feels blessed and knows just how much You love him, Father. Thanks for such fun with you!

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