Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 11 - Forgiveness

It was on our way home that Heather and I found ourselves facing a huge, hideous giant! Today's blessing is too personal to account in detail. We were faced with something very painful from our past.

But this is what I learned... Jesus died on the cross, and took our sins away. In doing this, God provided us with forgiveness! This was a gift. It was given to us in a never ending flow of abundance. And from that gift, we are called to bless others with this overflowing provision of forgiveness... even those in our lives that we may not think necessarily deserve it or haven't asked for it.

My Lenten blessing offering was not only forgiveness but an action made possible through grace... fruit from that decision to forgive. More than I thought I had... actually, more than I did have.

Sigh. I am all Your's Jesus. Be my All... take even the things that I don't know how to let go of... replace them with You.

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