Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 12 - My Godson

Today's blessing was so much my own!!! I at last got to talk with my wonderful friend Kelly, after over a year. Kelly has been my friend since she was 9 and I was 11. We were instant friends. We have called each other cousins for most of our lives. In fact, we rarely call each other friend at all.

When Kelly got unexpectedly pregnant at 17 we walked through it together. She struggled with the choices she would have to make and the changes and challenges that a child would bring. Heather and I agreed to be with her through every step and even had the most insanely beautiful privilege of being present for his birth. Kelly asked me and my ex-husband if we would be his God parents. Even after we split, Kelly was adamant about her choice of me as God mother, which made me extremely happy.

But it was a role I didn't fully understand until I understood it from the teaching of the Catholic Church. I will never forget when Father Sebastian explained in front of the entire church what it meant to be chosen as a child's God parent. Not only were you supposed to very present in that child's life, but if the mother should be unable or unwilling to lead that child spiritually and keep them in Godly guidance, it was that God parents responsibility to do so! The God parent was responsible for their spiritual guidance and Godly instruction.

I went home and cried afterward and wrote to my God son. I have kept him lifted up in prayer since, but I have only seen him once since then. Which was hard. It is challenging to gather up the courage to talk about these things with Kelly. So today, when his mother called and we got to reconnect after so long and on a deeper level than we had in years, I felt compelled to talk with her about this realization and apologize for not being more present. I gave God my silence and gave Kelly full view of my heart, and God's heart for her and Caleb. To my surprise she said, "And I need help with that. Caleb needs spiritual guidance, Ash. I mean, he isn't even baptized."

So my blessing was a very open, very deep, very loving conversation with this dear friend about God and offering to research and help do what it would take to have Caleb baptized and given a more intentional Christ directed environment.

My heart could explode with gratitude at this answered prayer! I pray for Caleb! That he might know his Savior!

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