Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 36: The life is in the pit!

This is not an original thought, I heard it from Di tonight, but it was something really wonderful that impacted my night that I wanted to write down and share. I learned a lot of incredibly profound things after a wonderful talk with my sponsor/mentor/mama... a lot! But one of the things that she shared with me that really grabbed me was the idea that the life of the fruit is in the pit!

Yeah... the seed is what carries the potential for new life and more good fruit! And yet... it is the part that we throw away! I had never thought of it. I just have to say real quick that I really think that God is so cool because He isn't as mysterious and ambiguous as we often think... really He has something to show us and grow us in just about everything!

So we have a peach market. We pick the ripest (but not too ripe!) specimen. We check it for bruises, worms, all the necessaries; we pluck off it leaves, and we munch! The fleshy part, the part we like to partake of, is sweet and yummy and pleasing and we eat it up vigorously, chomping it down to the pit, and then, while still licking the juice off our fingers, we chuck the life! The inner, harder, not as pleasing to the eye, inedible lump of brown part... is the life. If we plant that we can enjoy 100 more peaches much like it!

But it isn't pleasing. And it takes work. It takes planting, nurturing, growing, pruning, plucking, watering, down in the dirt work! And that is not something us humans are always so excited about or willing to do.


What a WONDERFUL NIGHT... thank you so much Papa! SO MUCH! For everything... and for seeds to work on and grow! I am willing... and I love You!

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