Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 46: New Life: Easter Vigil Saturday

I woke early! I was due at church for Confirmation practice at 10 am so I had set my alarm for 9:30. But when I woke, it wasn't to my alarm. Something else had woken me, and my mind was already running when I went from asleep to full conciousness. I thought, "oh God, let me just sleep a few more minutes. Just until my alarm goes off."

And He said, "oh, Ashley, get up and look at the time!"

I sighed and sat up to locate my phone which was buried somewhere in my covers. I found it, flipped it over and hit a button to make the light come on. 7:20.

"WHAT?!" I shot up out of bed. "Well, what is it? You must have me up for a reason if it's this early!"

My sleepiness had me too hazy to realize that God wanted me up... and now! So I jumped up, grabbed my Bible and "Disciplines of the Inner Life" and went into Di's peaceful, unoccupied office. I knelt on the floor facing the window and asked God what He wanted to talk about. I didn't hear anything for a minute, so I looked out the window... looking for Him. What I saw was a beautiful blooming bush with tiny white flowers. Hundreds of flowers adorned each branch in a bunch at the end. Like a bride's boquet. "Oh, there You are," I said, "I can see you in your beautiful creation. I will always think of Confirmation when I see those flowers now, Papa."

I started talking and praying about Confirmation, getting excited and just going through all my hopes for the day, and I could feel the Holy Spirit just dancing and laughing around the room. Eventually the presence of God was so powerful that I finally just laid down, flat on my face and praised God! His glory was that strong! Finally I heard Him say, "Get up."

So I sat up on my knees again and looked out at His beauty. And He said, "this is not only your Confirmation, my beloved. This is your Coronation. Around your neck you will wear a garland of peace. Atop your head a crown of love. And a robe of light will trail behind you." It was so AWESOME! It felt like I was being Knighted or something... I didn't know what a Coronation was, but it was the most special thing in the world to me! I had heard the word before, but had no clue what it meant. It was THE best morning of my entire life! Ever... ever... wait... EVER!

Later I asked Di what a Coronation was, because I hoped to gain some understanding about what God was really doing. "Its when somebody is crowned."

I cried.

She went on. "We used to do Coronation services at camp. We would crown the girls! And you couldn't convince them that those were not real crowns. It comes from Psalm 45."


"We had a Coronation service once. At a women's retreat. Beauty for Ashes we called it. The women brought their ashes to God and exchanged them for beauty. It was powerful!"

And I realized, in place of the sins and burdens I brought to Christ at the Cross on Good Friday, God was crowning me with Love. I was exchanging my ashes for beauty. Princess Ashley Elizabeth.

Confirmation was everything I hoped it would be... and more... and even more than I can fathom. And I knew it. I could feel it was beyond my scope. I cannot fully describe the magnitude of this night. Most of it lies beyond the realm of explaination. But I can say that I am full! That my heart, my soul, my life... all are full! Full of the Spirit of God and the gift of the body and blood of Christ.

I thought of the woman at the well. I thought of what Jesus told her about "living water"... and I thought, I shall neither hunger nor thirst again! I thought of new life... God fills us with LIFE. Life's purpose is to live for Christ! The inevitable outcome of life is... LIFE! I thought of God's love... and how blessed I am, because He loves me so much. He has drawn me to Him. He has allowed me to walk with Him on the road of LIFE! He is GOOD! All the time! And all the time! He is Good!


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