Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 44: Holy Thursday & Washing Feet

Tonight, I am writing this blog from within the St. Rose walls. For creative and cognitive inspiration I have the four most intensely filled and lovely walls in the whole world! I sit in the throne room itself tonight and get to fathom the WONDERS and the mystries of my FAVORITE person: my KING, my GOD, my LORD, my SAVIOR - JESUS CHRIST!

An immeasurable amount of experiences and memories of the day run joyfully and exuberantly through my silent, reverent mind. I am EXACTLY where I am supposed to be tonight! For the first time in my life, there is absoluetely NO DOUBT that I am walking the path that is intended for me and its new, and its strange and its unmapped, but I am not alone and I am NOT AFRAID! I am... grateful... I am full of awe... and I cannot help but exclaim in my heart and on this paper... THANK YOU, OH MY JESUS! ALL GLORY AND HONOR AND POWER TO YOU, OH GOD, FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!

I have cursed You, I have denied Your power and care, I have doubted You, I have withheld my love and my prayers, I have been angry at You... I have drivin the nails in deeper so many times... and still you wash my feet. Still You stop to clean my heart and catch my tears, still You allow me to sit with You and still You love me... Still You broke Your body for me and poured out Your blood, spread Your sinless, clean hands wide over the cross and DIED for me. For everyone!

Oh, my Jesus... can I just sit at Your feet forever? Can I just dwell in Your love and presence forever? Can I wash your feet tonight with the tears of my broken heart... may my words be like sweet, expensive perfume... and my worship and desire dry your feet?

You have called me here... I will obey! With ALL of me! I withold nothing, my Jesus! I want to follow you everywhere, and live only to love You. Like John. Let me simply serve You Jesus, so that I may always be humbly near and follow You wherever You go!

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