Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 38: Do you know or do you believe

I made a really cool realization today: there is a divine difference between knowing something is true, and believing it is true. You can know all about something, understand its concepts, grasp its potential and see its importance, but you can't walk in its truth until you believe in it. It is one of the ways that often separates Christians from the rest of the world.

"I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" (Galatians 3: 2-3)

I was in the midst of a conversation today about God's love, going on between two wonderful people. One said to the other, "If you never overcame your struggle, God would still love you. You don't have to do anything, God won't care, He will still love you!"

And the other replied, "yeah that's true. I know, I know."

And the response was, "you know but you don't believe!"

And then the conversation went on to some unknown place that I didn't hear because it was such a profound and simple realization for me that my being couldn't let pass without chewing! The key to depth with God is faith. Faith in His love. Faith in His provision. Faith in Him! We can know stuff about Him, and read the Bible and know more stuff, and listen to a great song and know more, but until we have the faith to believe in all that we think we know it remains floating above the ocean waves, and we remain on the surface of His unending depths, treading water. It is the belief that allows us to dive into His presence and truth and... HIS LOVE!

As Galatians says, it is not by our knowledge of the law that God works and gives us His Spirit, but it is by believing in Him! We can know He is there. Our hearts and souls know it. We know it when we look in the face of creation and have no idea where to begin the questioning, or find the words for our awe... but until we believe, we don't experience the grace and depths of God. We cannot embrace His love. Rather we only witness His power.

Powerfully Lovely!

Also, today was my first confession. And it was absolutely amazing. The Holy Spirit was all over that room... and every ounce of fear and nervousness turned to complete humility and repentance as I stared into the depths of Jesus and He cleansed me of my sins. I am so grateful for the God lead tradition of confession in the Catholic church. And for Father Sebastian, who takes delight in allowing the Holy Spirit to live and move through the lives of God's children. Today was POWERFUL! All around!

And I got a slammin' fab dress from my sponsor, which we shopped for today and she got me for my confirmation... and the coolest part is that she got me to go and try on dresses, which was such a God thing, because I was so afraid I would see ugliness and undesirable things in the mirror today so I was struggling with going... but I didn't! Instead it was totally a blast to realize and walk in the healing and the blessing of my restored beauty! And FUN shopping experiences, are a wonderful new bonus to my life!!

Thanks for this day, my King. Thank you for Your unconditional love! I BELIEVE YOU AND IN YOU, PAPA! Good night!!! See You in my dreams!

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