Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 41: So... about this mind thing!

A couple days ago I learned the importance of loving God with all my mind! To love Him with every part of my thought life and every part of my internal, hidden processes. My heart... that is a work in progress, but it's His! My mind... my mind is a slightly out of control, cluttery mess. My thoughts so often creep up on me. When life isn't happening in 4th gear, and there is an opportunity for scenery, my mind wanders off, lookin' for trouble. And its so natural and easy to just let it run. Kind of like auto pilot. But when I stop and focus on all of those "careless" thoughts... its amazing how many of them aren't careless. Its horrifying how many of them are judgements, or anxieties, maybe fears, doubts, complaints! And this is not intentional! Sometimes, I see it coming and I give it permission; maybe because I'm lazy or because I'm angry and I want to think about all the ways somebody is making me mad... many different reasons. But many times I snap out of bad thoughts. Kind of like bad dreams!

So what do I do about those?!

Hahaha... hopeless frustrated questions always have great answers! Check out Philippians 2! I found out today... there is more to this mind battle. We are not just called to love the Lord our God with all our mind... we are also called to have a mind LIKE Christ's! A mind like Christ's doesn't run off! A mind like Christ's has ONE thing at its center... one focus... GOD! What does this mean? This means that we are not only willing to love God with our minds and direct praise from within our thoughts OUT toward Him... but we are also to commit our minds to be as Jesus' mind is! To entertain the same thoughts as His. To think and reason and process as Jesus Himself does! A mind that allows Christ to infiltrate and penetrate INTO our thoughts and find perminant residence!

Whew... this is a WHOLE other level!! Well... I'll take one last breath... LETS GO JESUS! I'm ready! :D I just LOVE the way your mind works, Jesus!!! Can I have it?!

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