Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 39: ALL!

What will become of this heart? I lay and ponder tonight if I will ever overcome all that holds me back, all my "struggles". The mind is a beautiful place, but also very frightening. Such power exists in its fears and its misunderstandings. Such trepidation springs into my heart when I think of what is still to come. So as I pray and read with God... I am given this to ponder... In Luke 10 25-28 Jesus asks a man what the most important thing is? And the man responds, "LOVE the Lord you God with ALL your HEART (this is the most perceivable because love seems to spring from the heart), ALL your SOUL (all our emotion and will), ALL your STRENGTH (our ability to accept His grace) and ALL YOUR MIND (that means every thought and idea, every fear, every misunderstanding)!!"

This is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing we have to do on this Earth. God wants it all! He gave His all for us... He gave us all the ability to choose what we wanted, do what we wanted, love Him if we wanted... He gave us all the opportunity to share eternal joy with Him in Heaven! In return, He wants our all. So that He can transform us! If we give Him ALL the burdens of our hearts, He can carry them and transform them to victories in His love for us... If we give Him ALL the questions and the doubts of our minds, He can transform them into faith... If we give Him ALL the transgressions of our souls, He can cover them with His mercy... If we give Him ALL our strength, He can administer His grace! He replaces fear with hope, sorrow with joy, the death of sin with eternal life!!!

Here I am, Lord... ALL OF ME! I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Ascheb said...


That is soooooo true and what you were saying in Wal-Mart makes SOOOO much more sense now! Thank you sis... Thank you for letting God use your writing! It has a powerful ministry wrapped inside it's words.

Love you Ashee mwa mwa