Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 43: My CPU

I learned about the mind even MORE today! I love when the Lord keeps blossoming one concept over time for me! He has such devotion for my growth, and a patience beyond any I've ever experienced!

Today, while eating a dinner out with Heather and Brother Dominic, the topic of the mind came up during conversation and Brother said something so great. He said that the modern day computer is a sort of mirror of the human mind. It is our mind that worked as the blueprint and format for how our personal computers work today. The cache memory is the here and now; it is what we are currently working on and what we are presently processing. Then there is the desktop. The desktop is our priorities, or most used files and programs. Its the plate that we are working off of... our work and life load. Then, there is the hard drive. Here we have our memories. SO MANY memories. Each file is in there, some harder to locate than others, our files as organized and manageable as we choose to keep them.

And I know, if pondered long enough, there would be sooooo many more great comparisons...

But what struck me was that our minds have so many parts, and folders and files and programs and software, and... and we have to seek every part of this elaborate system and systematically give it to God. We have ot be willing to wipe our hard drives clean if He asks and only allow God's data and programs to be stored there. There are parts of our thoughts and memories and past that are permanent... that even a wiped hard drive won't clear away. This is usually because these things are necessary to life. If we clear them, the computer dies.

But we can take Jesus there! I read a powerful book last year that changed my life and the way I deal with my inerasable files. It was called "Captivating", and one thing that it led me to do was take Jesus to those immovable memories that will always be there and allow Him to transform them! To allow Christ to heal those moments with His love and His presence and change them from hindering to useful and powerful testimonies in my life! Our minds are absolutely and completely penetrable!

I continue to love You with ALL my mind, Lord my God!

Sleep sweet! Well, since you neither "slumber nor sleep", may I sleep sweet and may You find a place to rest in me! Night Daddy!

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