Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 15: A change in the seasons

I keep hearing God say "you are ready" and in so many different ways. I have felt a change in the seasons for a while, but the feeling has been SO STRONG since lent began. It has been my prayer from the beginning of this spiritual time of stretching and discipline that God would reveal to me what season I was coming in to and how, in the name of Jesus, was He gonna get me to do it...

So last Saturday I kept feeling a knock INSIDE me heart. I knew there was more in my heart that Jesus wanted to reveal to me. A room He had decorated just for me that would be full of all kinds of new gifts and treasures... and responsibilities, whatever that meant.

On Sunday, Father Chester convicted me. He said to St. Rose, "You have a testimony and you need to share it!" He said, "you might already have a title, but what you need is testimony. And we are all called to SHARE IT."

On Sunday, Heather, Brother Dominic and I drove to Biloxi so our RCIA class could be introduced to the rest of the Catechumans for the Biloxi Diocese. The service was beautiful and it was a powerful experience to see God moving so hugely in the Catholic Church. Afterward, Brother was enlightening us on some of the purposes of Confirmation and he described the tradition as the transition from being instructed and a period of initiation, to a call to share Christ with others and to share the testimony of what we have learned. It was the release of the instructed to begin walking as instructors... never heard that before!

Monday, REVIVAL started and the Priests anointed everyone in whatever we felt God was telling us we needed. My anointing: FEARLESSNESS FOR GOD.

Tuesday, Father Chester said, "You must learn to live using the 5 spiritual senses: POWER, PURPOSE, PASSION, PRAYER and PEACE." It was a call to get crazy for God!

Wednesday (that's today) was the last day of revival and the Hand Maidens of the Lord did this awe filled dance to a song called Seasons. It said, "the wait is over. You are coming into your season!"

And then, nobody was there. Not another soul. Just me and Jesus. And He was walking me, hand in His, right to the door in my heart. And He told me a little about what lies behind it.

And I opened it AND ITS MORE THAN JUST A ROOM! It is a whole new WING! And its amazing. All I can tell you is this: the walls are lined with JOY and the floors are coated in PEACE. And the Holy Spirit is allllllll over! They have been preparing this place for me for a long time I think. Nothing about it looks thrown together. It is clean. It is immaculate, in fact. And I did NOTHING! I only opened the door! And it was light! HAHAHAHA...

And the craziest part... there are a lot more doors in here to look behind...

So I thank you Lord, humbly and with a trembling spirit, and I pray for the grace and strength and mercy to walk this new wing without messing it up!

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