Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 29: Confirmation is coming!

Today Chiquita, my RCIA teacher, gave me such a glimmer of excitement and joy for my impending confirmation that it is the only thing that comes to mind as I meet God tonight. We came in and sat down and she looked around the room, silently, with a big grin on her face and said, "we are nearing the end of this journey, class!" And I was so encouraged in the direction that God is leading me.

But it was when she described to us the experience of our first communion, and her typically even personality burst into a joyous pose and she cupped her hands in front of her and described the first receiving of bread and the feeling of utter closeness with God as you take part in the Eucharist for the first time, that I felt such a renewed comfort and peace in my journey. A happiness spread over the entire room and a shared anticipation to take the awe inspiring, mysterious Eucharist fell over everyone of the candidates. Rhonda said, "Oh I'm gonna be dancing up the aisles." And we practiced a little in our excitement and laughed, and I was so glad... glad to be where I am, surrounded by those that God has surrounded me with, surprised at where my willingness to obey God has brought me, ecstatic to be blessed to be part of the only church I have ever met God so completely, thoroughly and powerfully at, and at total peace despite my inner curiosities and inquiries of my future.

What a wonderful, unpredictable ride this life with Christ is turning out to be!

1 comment:

Jo said...

i wish we could have our confirmation together... I can't believe how close we're getting.... i only have a little over a week. Ah... how very very cool. I love ya!!!!