Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 30: Little drummer girl

I love Christmas music... always have. It is probably one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season. My favorite Christmas song, like even as a really young girl, has always been Little Drummer Boy. Ever heard that one?

Ba rumpa bump bummm...

It's about a little boy with nothing to give to the new born baby Jesus. No silver or gold or jewels or expensive spices or scents. No fine fabrics, no livestock, nothing of significant worldly value. Just a poor boy with a drum. In all his humility the boy still comes to Jesus... despite what the world might have to say about him. Despite what they might think. Though he had nothing to place at the feet of Jesus. He still came...

And he offered what he had. He offered his talent. He offered to play his best for Jesus. He offered to PLAY HIS HEART OUT FOR JESUS! And he did! And what was the reception? Jesus smiled...

:) What a cool song.

I remember I would run around the house as a kid with a pot in one hand, a spoon in the other, singing Little Drummer Boy at the top of my lungs; driving my mother crazy I'm sure. And sometimes when I close my eyes I can still see me, pot in hand, marching around the house. And sitting here tonight I imagine that I am often still just a poor girl, with no gift fit for a King, with a pot for a drum and wooden spoon for a drum stick, playing my heart out for Jesus. I just hope that when I'm done... He smiles.

Good night my King... ba rumpa bump bum... :)

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