Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 31: This crazy fast

I remember tonight why God gave me this fast... because it is so hard some nights! And if it weren't for this discipline there are many nights that I wouldn't even attempt to push past my writer's block and write anyway. Some of the most revealing nights of my fast have been a result of pushing past myself and finding God there. I have always had this OBNOXIOUS habit of getting between God and me...

The biggest challenge has been writing even at the end of a long day when I'm tired and my brain seems to have checked out. But even there I have noticed a purpose... so many of these daily entries, as I look back, are full of heart... perhaps because my brain has been at the end of its working rope. My thoughts have not been overpowering, but rather, the things that surface are matters of the heart.

Other lessons of the fast:
I need meat. I long for it. I need protein packed sustenance. There are just so many vegetables and carbs a person can consume before they realize they need more. Veggies are the vitamins and fibers. Carbs are the sweets. And meat gives us nourishment and minerals. A balance of all are important. Just like... OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE... are you surprised?

I need to take more from my spiritual life than just the fillers or the sweets or the easy to digest. There are also those things that build spiritual muscle. The spiritual "meats", full of life building "proteins" that my spirit longs for more of. This fast has been about my need for more.

My need to go deeper.

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