Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 33: Conversation Conversion!

My sister and I had a wonderful talk tonight about everything... we always do. We are extremely good at conversation together. We talk, and listen and care about what each other is feeling and thinking and saying. We give each other time to think and breath and cry if need be. We are patient with each other, looking for ways to patch in lost words or finish sentences. We translate each other's movements and can feel each others moods. We laugh and cry and whisper and talk loud. She is the best conversationalist I have ever known. We are totally open and honest and deep and real with each other in a way we can't be with anyone else. When we talk it is as if we never stopped one conversation... it is simply that life carried us off and we are getting back to the already existing exchange.

And I realized that I long to converse with Jesus this way. Even more deeply in fact. I want to be able to remain in constant conversation with Him. To never have to pick up where we left off because we never left off! Father Jason said today that one of the greatest facilitators in our growth and understanding is conversation... and Jesus is the best conversationalist we can possibly wish to have.

I think it is wonderful that God has given me someone that displays His love in this way. One of my greatest desires is to learn how to "pray unceasingly"! To learn how to direct my life toward God, however dramatic or subtly the moment allows, but toward Him always. If He is always in my thoughts and my heart is desiring to draw nearer to Him, to be more like Jesus, then everything I do and say and think will become prayer. A never ceasing conversation that is more deep than any I have had. Where I am open and listening and translating His movements. Where we laugh and cry and whisper and talk loud. Where He knows me better than myself and shows me how to be better and better. Where I can tell Him anything and He can tell me anything! Where we finish each others sentences... if my sister and I can talk this way, it must be even more possible with Jesus!

And imagine what all of my conversations would look like if the one conversation that really mattered and made a difference in my life were always in progress! Every person I met along the way would simply be entering into an already existing conversation, that never loses interest and promises to bring life!

Cool night! Teach me how to converse with You like this, Jesus!

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