Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 8: How?!

How, oh God, can You continue to bring new revelations OVER and OVER and OVER!? How can you be everywhere, in everything and always present in ALL things? How can you hear the heart of every person and know their pain?! I know you CAN and ARE doing all of this, but I can't help but wonder... HOW?! I know, even if you tried to tell me, I'd probably be totally lost, but... I still am in awe and wonder at it! Everyday seems like a new day to be even more amazed by You, God. YOU ARE WONDERFUL! AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! BEAUTIFUL! LOVING! PERFECT! GOD AND FATHER! And You love me... You spend your days and nights trying to explain things to me over and over and over... HOW, oh God, do You put up with me? That is the greatest wonder and mystery of them all... I break your heart, I forget, I throw fits, I, I, I think about me all the time! How?! But more importantly... thank You, papa... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... THANK YOU! It looks little like Yours and has almost no resemblence to the magnamity of Yours Papa, but i love you. With all that i am, and all that i have, i love you. And even that i learned from You! Even that love, i saw first in Jesus, and knew because YOU loved me. And if i can learn to reflect even a mustard seed of Christ's love in my lifetime, it will be the greatest and only accomplishment worth being remembered when i leave this world and enter YOURS, GOD ALMIGHTY!!!

1 comment:

Ascheb said...

Amen! Praise JESUS! This was blessed! Everyday I see new and amazing things in Jesus! THANK YOU GOD!