Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 22: I searched for myself, and found joy

While we kayaked over the beautiful and peaceful waters of the Jordan River in Mississippi, Jo and I had the opportunity to talk about the changes in our lives since the last time we were together. When she was here last summer I noticed that she was so often sad and struggling. Life was very gray for her. But now, 10 months later, she seems much happier; brighter. She is laughing again. True, deep laughter... and she smiles so much more! And when I asked her why she said, "I don't know. I guess I'm just happier. And I've discovered my identity."

"Really? What did you find out about yourself?"

"That I'm not all the things that people told me I was. Not even the good things. I'm just me." And she beamed over at me from her wobbling kayak.

I nodded... and smiled. I knew what Jo meant. Often our identities get as lost in the positive feedback as they do in the negative. God has given us an identity and only He truly understands it. Only He can give it goodness or purpose. We are what Christ makes us. So... if we find our identities, what we should find is not a list of qualities and weaknesses, gifts and achievables... but simply... JOY! Because we are confident and comfortable in who Christ has made us, and is making us!

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