Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 18: Consider Yourself Lucky

Father Sebastian told us a story today about when he was a boy... He had a curfew set for 6 pm! And he always envied his friends that had late curfews or none. (I bet!) His daily schedule consisted of waking up, going to classes, getting 1 hour to play, get home, do lessons, pray with his family, do more lessons, go to bed and repeat. Even weekends he was required to be home and in by 6pm. I laughed in disbelief while he told the story because I was one of those kids he would have envied, and it seemed a little intense. So one day he complained to his friend Benny, "you are so lucky! You can stay out and play as long as you want!" Then Father said, "I will never forget Benny's response."

Benji told him, "You are the lucky one. My family has given up on me. They do not care. You are very lucky to have people that care whether you do the right thing or not."

"God," Father Sebastian went on, "is like this. He gives us commandments and restrictions so that we might understand the truth of His freedom and His love for us. So many people think that freedom is being able to do whatever we want. But you cannot have real freedom without truth."

I know how true everything he said is. God gives us restriction and requires things of us BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US! And I realized today, as I stood before the church for my first scrutiny, was prayed for by everyone, and as Father Sebastian looked with the caring love of a father figure at the children of God before him, that God is showing me and providing me family right now... on so many levels.

Aside from those that God has given me as my spiritual nuclear family, the ones that have reached into my life and shown me true care and family in ways I can never fully express or repay, there is my ever widening family that God continues to reveal to me through my current walk in Catholicism.

Father Sebastian cares for every confirmation student, requiring that they not only sit through the RCIA classes and come to church but that they learn and grow and walk in their instruction. My family spreads as there is the also the St. Rose community, that cheers and prays for everyone coming in to the church, agreeing to care for every member. The entire church agrees to include everyone and lift one another up with encouragement and prayer. And then, Catholicism itself offers a unified "family" that spreads over the entire world, uniting everyone willing, to join the giant church family, lead and centered around Jesus Christ. No matter where you go, you are home, with your "family".

Each level of family has its own requirements, structure and responsibilities. Each member is called to instruct, and to allow for instruction. Tradition offers specific insight and understanding into different requirements for us as individuals and members of a unified family assigned us by God. We are cared for, required of, and shown "true freedom" in a variety of powerful and impacting ways.

Not only was I encouraged today, but I am convinced that God is in control and has great purpose and design for where I am and where I am headed. I consider myself very lucky! Very BLESSED!

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