Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 28: Frosted or Flowing?

"He sends forth His Word and it melts them: at the breath of his mouth the waters flow." Psalm 147.

For so long our hearts lay frozen in our bodies. The pain stored within them. Our ideas of life and love. Our interpretation of what life has been, what it is and what it ought to be. It is water... life giving... but it is frozen and opaque, solidifying our hearts so that nothing can move or flow or bring life.

As we move Jesus into our hearts... He sends forth His word... He comes and melts the interior of our hearts... at the breath of His mouth the waters flow. All the potential of life within us has begun to run from room to room, trickling down every step and across every wall, cascading into the depths of our identities and hopes and dreams, transforming our lives and turning our heart from cold, stone, icebergs to tropical pools, teeming with life!

But sometimes, though our hearts are flowing with living water within, we allow our windows to remain frosted. The life inside stays coolly hidden behind the ice covered view points of our hearts so that all that can be seen might be the impression or glimmering prospect of what is going on within. From comfort sometimes, or from fear, we only let the warm waters lick the windows of our hearts when we are with those we are willing to reveal our transformations to. Perhaps we are afraid to reveal those still lingering messes. Or we are frighted we will overwhelm the world with our sudden change and we won't be taken seriously... but all the good and all the hope that is within us is hidden from view as well!

It is these truths, good and bad, clean and in the process of being cleaned, that bring the vision of LIFE to the world. If we FILL our inner rooms with the flowing waters of Christ then it will melt the frost on our windows so that nothing but our found truth and life can be seen! In fact when we let God fill our hearts to the brim with the living, flowing Love of Jesus they become so full that the water bursts through the windows and breaks open the doors and overflows into the streets and into the homes of those around us... ...let my heart know such a filling!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND LET IT NEVER STOP FILLING, FLOWING AND SPILLING INTO THE STREETS!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

bonnie said...

WOW! Ashley. What an amazing view on this scripture. Thanks for sharing your heart with the world and with me. You have blessed me today. Thanks bonnie