Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 26: 2nd Scrutiny at dawn

I woke early this morning... a rarely attempted endeavor. But this morning, it was worth it. This morning was 2nd scrutiny! My first observation was, "wow, look how many people are at church at 7am."

My second was, "isn't it amazing that we are introduced to each different sub community of the larger community that is the entire St. Rose parish."

We were asked again what our reason for entering the Catholic church was, and I was at total peace this morning when i answered. Maybe I wasn't completely awake yet, haha, but I prayed before I stood that God would give me words to speak... and really He did! He is calling me toward Himself into something completely new and different, and quite honestly a little bit strange, and I am simply following, because I cannot endure to be where He is not!

I am grateful to my wonderful sponsor who was totally prepared to come and pull me out of bed by the feet if I slept through my alarm... thank God that she didn't have to! But really, I am blessed. In so many ways.

Now... I will go to bed early, because the early morning today, combined with a lot of late nights and early mornings this last week, has me slightly... exhausted! Haha. So I will go rest in the arms of Jesus and get a sweet and peaceful long night's sleep! :D

Night Jesus! You are the best!

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