Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 17: Short & Sweet

JoJo is here from Colorado! She has been gone so long... forever it feels like. In reality it has been 10 months since she has been to the Southern Coast and it has been an unexpected joy to watch Bay St. Louis through rediscovering and hopefully searching eyes. It has already given me a renewed optimism and gratefulness for all that God has done here... with houses, with people, with community. Wide eyed she walked through Mel's house and reminisced over every new possession or improvement. She notices changes we've missed because we have been here. I can't wait to just drive around and rediscover with her this week. The week will pass quickly but I am grateful for friendship and memories and fun... and she will be back again. Mississippi NEVER leaves us, and we NEVER really leave Mississippi... not for too long.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

Jo said...

I thank God so much for having you in my life. You are an amazing sister to me. :)