Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 19: Sleepy!

Well today was up... and today was down... and tonight I am tired. But the day was victorious in so many ways! I overcame some fears today and learned to use my humility and patience... I also failed to use both a few times... but I am reminded that we all fail and that it isn't how we fall but rather that we continue to get up... again and again. And that we get 1%, or sometimes only .1%, closer to being what God wants us to be. And that is progress! Tomorrow will bring new opportunities to practice my patience and humility and love, and walk more thoroughly in who God has made me, and I only pray that I will do better tomorrow than I did today... and thank God that I did better today than I did yesterday. AMEN

Life with God never does cease to be challenging, humbling and stretching... but life without God isn't life... life without God is ultimate death.

So give me train wrecking, mountain-climbing, rough riding, two-by-four smacking, enlightening, invigorating, life giving, deep diving, super shining, glorious LIFE, any day!!! YEAH!

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