Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 20: Going In

Most breathed words of this last year: "There is One that lives inside of me that is greater than myself, and His name is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZERETH!"

Christ lives and dwells INSIDE of me! In the Word, Jesus calls us to go into our chambers, shut the door and pray. Our chamber, the dwelling where we meet Jesus in prayer... and it is forever stationed within our hearts! So, there is always somewhere to go and pray and experience the deeps with my God. There is always some place that is between Jesus and I, and it is within the inner chambers of my heart. This concept is the missing key to understanding how to stay in the precense of God and stay in constant prayer, as Paul mentions is detrimental to our spiritual lives!

Is it attainable? Will I ever allow God total access to my heart, mind, body and soul no matter what I am doing, where I am going or who I am with? I long for it. I pray for it. I want to learn how to always BE and never feel the need to DO! Because everything that needs to get DONE will get done whilst I am just BEING! It may seem a little cryptic, but I have seen the difference between those that mostly DO and those that mostly just BE; and though both experience their fair share of struggle, suffering, and challenge, those that have learned to BE understand God and His presence astronimically more than those that have not.

I am still in such a place that I WANT to just BE, but it is deep in the midst of DOING that I recall what it means to BE still and KNOW THAT GOD IS GOD!

...Less and less do I find myself forgetting God in my busyness, and more and more am I remembering at that point of realization that there IS a choice... do I remain outside the presence and continue to DO? or shall I go in, meet God in the inner chambers of my heart, and just BE?!

I'm learnin' to go in!

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