Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 7: Be Still, Ashley, Be Still


Over and over I must remind myself of this! In my own inability I think I have to do so much more. Instead of turning to God in my overwhelming moments I so often turn to DOING more, WORKING faster, TRYING harder. And then, a whisper catches me between winded breaths and says, "Be still, Ashley, be still."

I always think I should know more than I do. Whenever I am at a loss for what to do or say I have this tendency to assume that it was something I failed to do. But today, while reading "Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God," it occurred to me that maybe I expect myself to be at the final result before going through the process and time it takes to go from raw to refined...

This realization WOULD in fact be completely feasible for a person like myself. I am often stubborn and impatient and find it legitimately challenging to sit still and just be. Even when I think I am, when I REALLY stop and step back, I often realize, I am not.

So, Lord, as I strive to seek You and understand You, help me to just be still and know You are God. Show me what that means and what it feels like.

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