Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 5: What would you have me write about...

I am resigned to write tonight... and even feel like writing... but I know not what about! What, Holy Spirit, would you most like to write about? What would you have me say, Jesus?

We visited with Di today. Always an enlightening experience, but even more refreshingly an open environment to share, process and learn. A setting that allows and embraces all three is often VERY hard to find. We talked about a lot of things, but one of the most interesting realizations I made tonight was about food... I got your interest now! Let me explain further!

We were talking about the inclusion of food in our lives and how it is present for all of our meetings, gatherings, family events, church functions, workshops, and on and on. We realized that we are so enamored with food, and life so often seems centered around its influence. Cake is expected and often anticipated at birthday parties and weddings. We have potlucks, barbeques, community suppers, charity dinners, and picnics. There is a saying down here in the South: "Lets do lunch." In the words of Morgan tonight this mentality seems "addictive". Why can't we discipline ourselves? Why don't we do other things as much... like exercise?

But after a minute of contemplation I realized I actually like going to dinner with family and friends. I really like cooking a meal for friends, or more often practiced, eating a home cooked meal at someone else’s house. HAHA. I like that focus. And then, as I tend to do with EVERYTHING these days, I thought about how the topic related to my walk with God. In my own spiritual life and communications I prefer to focus on things of substance instead of just fluff and air. I like to talk and live and walk in things that will leave me and others present with something to chew on and fill our "spiritual bellies". I like to have a focus and I prefer (at most times require) conversation, prayer, worship and so on, to center around "spiritual food". The danger, I guess, is in the type of "food". There are some edibles that leave us empty afterward because they were hollow, or leave us sick because they were false or rotten, or leave us "spiritually fat" because we take it all in and add it to our "spiritual waistline" instead of using it and sharing it.

What better "spiritual food" can we fathom to be more filling than Jesus Christ, Himself? Every Sunday, when Father Sebastian does Communion he says, "We offer these gifts to Jesus who has made Himself for us our spiritual food!" In Matthew 26: 26 when Jesus breaks the bread during the Last Supper He says "...take and eat; this is my body." Jesus, who has made Himself our food, asks that we center our lives around Him in order that we might enter the Kingdom of God.

We so often mirror the spiritual in the physical. Food, in both the physical and the spiritual is so important. It is what we eat and who we share it with that will determine its effect on us and its level of value and worth in our lives.

1 comment:

Ascheb said...

WOW! I need me some spiritual food!