Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 16: The gift of instruction

I sit here tonight in the gratefulness of a blessing. I am grateful tonight that God has shown me the value, the importance and the need of instruction. I am grateful that God has sent people that I was willing to hear instruction from because God KNEW how rebellious I could be. He knew it was my struggle. And He knows how stubborn and willful I can be. AND HE KNEW who it would take for me to listen! He knew it would take people willing to deal with me JUST AS HE WANTED THEM TO. And I am grateful that He has changed my heart and softened it and molded it so that I could see, listen and accept the instruction He has for me! I can sit here tonight and think of so many that have missed it. I can think of so many that did not hear it because they were not listening, or heard it and threw it away . Solomon said in the Word that our instruction would be "our life"! OUR LIFE! Proverbs... check it out. So thank you Lord... for LIFE in ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the ways You give it! In Your instruction, in Your love, in Your sacrifice... YOU ARE LIFE! AND I LOVE LIFE!

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