Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 27: Silent Night

I am not in the mood to talk... or blog even. I don't know why. I'm kind of frumpy. UGH. I hate when I'm frumpy! TAKE FRUMPINESS OUT OF MY LIFE JESUS, PLEASE!!! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER. sigh.

Blocked. Oh, wait... nope. Still blocked...

Words? Anything......................

I guess, sometimes, my brain just hits overload. I call it the over-filled-brain-plate. I decided that just now. The problem isn't really that my head is so empty that I can't think of anything to say, it's that there is so much crammed in there that I can't think of where to start. Lots of thoughts. Lots of emotions. Lots of memories. Lots of hopes... wishes... prayers... questions. This has always been an issue with me I'm afraid. I have a hard time getting started. Once I'm rollin' I can't really be stopped... not easily... but getting me going can be like pulling teeth. Not because I'm intentionally trying to frustrate anyone, or because I love to be frustrated, but just because I legitimately have a hard time getting out of the gate.

Once I got up in front of a class and just stood there. Seriously. Lock jaw. Gaping. Nothing. So the assistant teacher asked me a question. Nothing complicated. I think he asked me what date what I was talking about started. BOOM. Its like I went from zero to sixty in 1.2 seconds. I just needed a starting point. I needed someone to tell me where to begin and my knowledge of the topic launched me from there. It really wasn't an awful speech.

Is this a blog or a diary entry? Is there a difference? A blogging requirement? I don't know. But its what I have tonight. A little self discovery. I do know this: I will go to bed with many requests and prayers for insight on my heart and on my lips. Its something!

Ha! :)


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